System Design - Tiny URL System

Tiny URL System Design Tiny URL System (Using TinyURL-System to explain System-Design process.)

Requirement clarification(2min)

functional requirement

  1. user1: long url ->(response) short url
  2. user1: share short url to others(user2)
  3. user2: short ulr ->(http 301 redirect to) long url
  • user can set short url TTL(Time To Live)

non-functional requirement

  • system should be highly available
  • URL redirection should happen in real-time
  • short links should not be predictable

extend requirement

  • Analytics; e.g., how may time a redirection happened?
  • may use http 302 to collect parameters,like: who/when/by whom cliked the short URL
  • be accessible through REST/RPC APIs by other services

Scale of the system - data size(5min)

Traffic estimates

  • generate 500M/month
  • read/write ratio 100:1

  • write QPS = 500M/(30(d) * 24(h) * 3600(s)) = 200 URLs/s
  • read QPS = 200 * 100 = 20 K/s

Storage estimates

  • save data for 5 years
  • 500 byte/url
  • storage = 30 billion * 500 bytes = 15 TB

Bandwidth estimates

  • incoming bandwidth = 200 * 0.5KB = 100KB/s
  • outgoing bandwidth = 100 * 100KB/s = 10MB/s

Memory cache estimates

  • cache 20% top frequent url per day
  • total count per day = 20K * 3600 seconds * 24 hours = 1.7 billion
  • cache size = 0.2 * 1.7 billion * 0.5KB = 170GB
  • use LRU evict policy

API interface(1min)

POST api/v1/data/shorten
param {
    longURL: string
    expireTime: long(optional)
return shortURL

GET api/v1/shortUrl
return longURL for HTTP redirection

DELETE api/v1/data/longURL

Database data-model(5min)

  • URL

    • Hash:varchar(16), PK(PrimaryKey)
    • OriginalURL: varchar(512)
    • CreationDate: datetime
    • ExpirationDate: datetime
    • UserID: int
  • User

    • UserID: int, PK
    • Name: varchar(20)
    • Email: varchar(32)
    • CreationDate: datetime
    • LastLogin: datetime
  • we don’t need much relation between object, so we choose nosql like MongoDB
  • nosql also can scale up easily、high throughput

High-level design(3min)

  1. use “base 62” to present a shortURL
    • base 64 include “+ -“
  2. if hash conflict happend, append string harsh again
  3. Generate algorithm: UUID、distributed uinque id + hash

Detail design(5min)

  • how much characters we need for shorURL? total count is “30 billion” as mentioned before. base 62, so character count = log(30 billion)/log(62) = 6。 we use 7 characters to avoid Brute-Force attack.

  • Encoding actual URL

    1. hash
      1. choose one hash function to generate unique id, like MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, CRC32.
      2. choose pre 6 characters.
      3. if conflict, append “userID/timestamp/logID” and rehash.
      4. use bloom filter to check existence.
    2. base62 conversion
      1. use “unique id generator” get a number < 30 billion.
      2. recursively divide 62 and get base62 character by remainder.
      3. no need to consider collision for unique id.
string hash base 62
length fixed lengh may shorter
not need unique id generator need unique id generator
collision、rehash no collision
unpredictable predictable if incr 1, security issure

Bottlenecks(follow up, 5min)

  • how to solve “base 62 predictable” problem ? use a inner mapping table to avoid.
  • how to limit client operation ? set a rate count in client session/cookie. ban if reached some degree.
  • how to realize URL redirection ? config apache/nginx redirect function.
  • purging or DB cleanup
    • lazy cleanup, like redis
    • clean service run once every day
    • default expire date like 2 years. or do not delete “space is cheap”
    • reuse deleted short url, put into pool(rebuild bloom filter)
  • telemetry, data collection use redirect 302(temporal redirect) to collect more information, like: country of the visitor, date and time of access, web page that referred the click, brower or platform where the page was accessed.
  • 1-1 or 1-n (longURL-shortURL)
    • 1-1 hash(longURL) generate one shortURL. save storage, but cannot distinguish different user/time/location.
    • 1-n(recommended) every time a user generate a different shortURL, save more information at the same time, like: userID, time, location… so that we can do data mining or sell the information. “space is cheap”.
  • if one server down and loose 1000 id… just abandon the ids
  • Cache space 20% per day, LRU
  • Data Partitioning and Replication user different db instance according to cap of the shortURL, to scale out DB. Range-Based Partitioning / Hash-Based Partitioning.